The following document seems to refer to Ms. Feal as "the daughter of the owner of the new management company."
That cannot be certain, for Anara Feal was named as the president of
President, Director FEAL ANARA
Address 5881 NW 151 ST # 206, MIAMI LAKES, FL, 33014
Treasurer, Director BRIEL GERARDO
Address 5881 NW 151 ST #206, MIAMI LAKES, FL, 33014
Registered Agent
Registered Agent Address: 5001 SW 74TH COURT, MIAMI, FL, 33155
FPMG REAL ESTATE DIVISION, INC has been set up 10/13/2015 in state FL. The current status of the business is Active. The FPMG REAL ESTATE DIVISION, INC principal adress is 5881 NW 151 ST, 206, MIAMI LAKES, 33014. Meanwhile you can send your letters to 5881 NW 151 ST, 206, MIAMI LAKES, FL, 33014. The company`s registered agent is LAW OFFICE OF RAMON J DIEGO PA 5001 SW 74TH COURT, MIAMI, FL, 33155. The company`s management are President, Director - FEAL ANARA, Treasurer, Director - BRIEL GERARDO. The last significant event in the company history is AMENDMENT which is dated by 10/21/2015. This decision is take in action on unknown.
But Anara Feal is also a principle in Blue Star Property Management, LLC.
Company number L15000193801
Status: Active
Company Type: Florida Limited Liability
Home State FL
Date Of Incorporation 11/10/2015
Principal Address 5881 NW 151 ST, 206, MIAMI LAKES, 33014
Address 5881 NW 151 ST # 206, MIAMI LAKES, FL, 33014
Registered Agent
Agent Name FEAL ANARA (p)
Registered Agent Address 5881 NW 151 ST, MIAMI LAKES, FL, 33014
BLUE STAR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, LLC has been set up 11/10/2015 in state FL. The current status of the business is Active. The BLUE STAR PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, LLC principal adress is 5881 NW 151 ST, 206, MIAMI LAKES, 33014. Meanwhile you can send your letters to 5881 NW 151 ST, 206, MIAMI LAKES, FL, 33014. The company`s registered agent is FEAL ANARA 5881 NW 151 ST, MIAMI LAKES, FL, 33014. The company`s management are M, G, R - FEAL ANARASince January 2016 there have been changes in Blue Star:
Registered Agent Name & Address
Martin, Lliliam 5881 NW 151 ST, 206, MIAMI LAKES, FL 33014
Name Changed: 04/25/2016
Now look at the information on Florida Property Management Group:
Document Number: P03000063898
FEI/EIN Number: 56-2367880
Date Filed: 06/10/2003
Effective Date: 06/06/2003
State: FL
Status: ACTIVE
Last Event: REINSTATEMENT - Event Date Filed: 10/27/2010
Principal Address: 5881 NW 151 ST, # 206, MIAMI LAKES, FL 33014
Changed: 04/26/2016
Registered Agent Name & Address
5811 NW 151 ST, SUITE #206, MIAMI LAKES, FL 33014
Address Changed: 04/26/2016
Officer/Director Detail
Name & Address
Title P: BRIEL, DAVID - 5881 NW 151 ST # 206 MIAMI LAKES, FL 33014
Title T: BRIEL, GERARDO - 5881 NW 151 ST # 206 MIAMI LAKES, FL 33014
Now we can look at an invoice from Blue Star Property Management, LLC to homeowners in Devon-Aire Villas #3 Homeowners Association:
The problem with that invoice, sent three times to all homeowners, is that no one was informed that Blue Star Property Management, LLC has a right to collect annual dues! We can see that the Briels have a shell game going on. There may and may not be a legal contract with FPMG for Devon-Aire #3. That would give FPMG and only FPMG a limited right to collect and manage annual HOA dues, which total just over $106,000 per year. However, along with that opportunity to collect HOA funds is the fiduciary and legal responsibility to account for every penny collected. This is where the shell game begins. Aside from the fact that no homeowner has an obligation to pay Blue Star a dime, Blue Star has limited liability under normal incorporation circumstances. By normal is meant a presumption that Blue Star was not set up specifically for purposes of deception, as a "shell" under which to hide HOA funds and accountability. Yet, all things considered, especially the present ongoing refusal by FPMG to account for a single dollar of Devon-Aire Villas #3 HOA funds, that's exactly what Blue Star appears to be!
The details become obscured by even more murkiness.
On December 10, 2015, some homeowners were begrudgingly invited to look at documents in FPMG offices. They had put in a request, twice, in writing, and were given an appointed time to access files. They brought along an individual to assist in making photocopies. Yet, contrary to Florida Statutes, that third person was refused, and no one was allowed to take electronic images of the documents. Of course that refusal stands in contradiction to Florida Statutes, but staff at FPMG could not care less about following the law. Yet FPMG went further, and sought to punish the third person involved. Accusations flew, and a complaint was filed regarding illicit practice of law. FPMG actually went so far as to persistently pursue punitive measures. The following excerpt from an affidavit from Ramon J. Diego demonstrates how murky the cesspool becomes.
The pertinent statement is:
"My name is Ramon J. Diego. I represent Devon-Aire Villas No. 3 Homeowners Association Inc. as their attorney."
Diego claims to represent the HOA! As the registered agent for FPMG, he can't possibly be representing the interests of the HOA!
If Diego were representing Devon-Aire Villas #3, he would be demanding that FPMG produce the requested financial records. He does the opposite, defending a petty excuse used by FPMG to withhold those documents.
And by the way, a reminder that FPMG advertises on its website that it produces monthly financial statements and provides these to every homeowner, although no one has seen one as long as FPMG has taken Devon-Aire #3 money.
And, if Diego was ever indeed representing the HOA, he would have been paid a retainer in HOA funds. Is this the case? Does he have a contract with the HOA?
to be continued . . . for an explanation of "chunks for free."
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